Ush 95,000
Rosewater, Lemon + Jasmine
Country: Colombia
Producer: Jose Herman Salazar
Process: Washed & Sundried
Variety: Bourbon Aji
Altitude: 1760 MASL
Our Special Release coffee is from Jose Herman Salazar, an incredible producer with a fierce passion for growing excellent coffee, so much so that he may have his own variety. Bourbon Aji was a slight mutation of Bourbon variety he found on his farm. After noticing the difference in the health of the fruit and the plant, Jose decided to propagate from these plants. He built a large nursery of these strong fruiting and healthy trees. Since around 2015 Jose has covered roughly 60% of his 6 hectare farm with Bourbon Aji. Specialty exporters discovered the unique cup profile of Joses coffee and he is able to fetch exceptional prices for this variety.
Recommended listening: Robot Rock by Daft Punk
Roasted in the Northern Rivers, NSW Australia